Notify Users When a Product They Did Not End Up Buying is Available at a Lower Price

Target users that didn’t end up buying products in their cart and send them a reminder of current promotions or stock availability.




eCommerce, B2B



It’s normal for visitors to not end up buying something from your eCommerce store when they first navigate to it, if the price isn’t right. However, offers come and go so it’s in your best interest to let them know about potential offers as soon as they become available. Inform users about products they added to their cart but didn’t buy with an email to drive more revenue to your website.

How does it work?

By knowing what products users have added to their cart but didn’t end up buying, you can target them and let them know about new offers for those specific products via email.


Abandoned carts are the number 1 heartache for eCommerce business owners. Driving those customers back to your website for a successful purchase is the perfect outcome. Especially if it’s automatic and you don’t have to target and email them one by one.