Social Proof
Create urgency for visitors with the use of unique social proof banners and popups, including timers, stock notification, live sales and more.
Social Proof
Cookie Based
Reset the countdown on each new session to capture new customers.
Date Based
Run promotions that end on a specific date and add a countdown for it.
Social Proof
Views / Sales Counter
Add view counters to products and posts so that users can know how popular specific segments of your website are.
Social Proof
Stock Notification
Show banners that urge visitors to choose your products by notifying them about low stock or availability of a product.
Low Stock
Create urgency by adding a low stock banner to products that are running low.
Show a stock counter to show visitors how many available units are available.
Social Proof
Recent Sales / Posts
Notify visitors about your recent sales or post submissions. This way, you can keep users engaged with your store or content.
The recent sales popup will boost your conversion by using crowd wisdom to drive customers to engage.