47+ Different Recommendation Algorithms
Embed recommendations anywhere in your funnel, with product and content algorithms for anonymous visitors, suggestions backed by past transactions for returning visitors, cross-sales for cart pages, and remarketing emails. Simply put: increase the probability of buying.
Cross-Sell & Up-Sell
For Bigger Profit
Upgrade your sales margins by adding cross-sell and up-sell recommendations in your product pages and cart.
We offer different algorithms for product’s categories, users’ interests.
Embed Recommendations
Add dynamic personalized recommendations anywhere on your website with the use of CSS containers. Use our Page Viewer to select the container you want and instanly see your recommendations live.
Popup Recommendations
Running out of places to show recommendations? Try adding unique popups in 9 different places on your screen. Edit their appearance to match your website’s aesthetics and you are good to go.
Homepage Recommendations
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics.
Recommend products that other visitors that viewed the same products, also viewed. Preferance set by:
- most recommended
- users
- transactions
Recommend products that other visitors that viewed the same products, bought. Preferance set by:
- most recommended
- users
- transactions
Recommend the most Viewed products. Preferance set by how recently the products were viewed and also:
- products from last Viewed product’s category
- products from last Added to cart product’s category
- from all Viewed categories
- from all Added to cart categories
- from last product’s associated interests
- from visitor’s interests
Recommend the most Purchased product. Preference set by how recently the product was bought and also:
- products from last Viewed product’s category
- products from last Added to cart product’s category
- from all Viewed categories
- from all Added to cart categories
- from last product’s associated interests
- from visitor’s interests
Recommend the most Added to favorites products. Preference set by how recently the product was added and also:
- products from last Viewed product’s category
- products from last Added to cart product’s category
- from all Viewed categories
- from all Added to cart categories
- from last product’s associated interests
- from visitor’s interests
List of products the user has purchased in the past. Preference set by how recently the product was bought.
Recommend the most Added to favorites products. Preference set by how recently the product was viewed.
List of products currently in your cart.
Recommend related or complementary items based on items bought by other visitors. Preferance set by:
- Most recommended
- Most users
- Most transactions
Related or complementary items according to what is set in products catalog. Preferance set by most:
- Purchased
- Added to Cart
- Added to Favorite
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to catalog
- High Rated
- High Profit
Recommend products related to the user’s last viewed category. Preferance set by most:
- Purchased
- Added to Cart
- Added to Favorite
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to catalog
- High Rated
- High Profit
Recommend products related to the user’s last past purchases.
Items that their price changed since last visit. Preferance set by:
- Purchased
- Viewed
And also set by how recent the products were discounted.
Items that were added to the catalog since last visit. Preferance set by:
- Purchased
- Viewed
And also set by how recent the products were added to the catalog.
Products from E-Marketer visitor’s wishlist.
Recommend any product set by additional settings like interest relevance, Added to Cart interactions or purchases.
Category Recommendations
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics. Recommend only products from current category.
Recommend the most Purchased products by how recently those products were bought.
Recommend the most Viewed product set by how recently those products were viewed.
Show most viewed or purchased products in the current category who have received a discount recently.
Can also be set by:
- Added to cart
- Added to favorites
- Cheapest
- New
- High Rated
- High Profit
Show most viewed or purchased products in the current category who are new in stock. Can also be set by:
- Added to cart
- Added to favorites
- Cheapest
- New
- High Rated
- High Profit
List of products recently viewed by the user in current category. Set by how recently those products were viewed.
Product Page Recommendations
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics. Recommend:
- products cheaper than current
- products cheaper by
- products more expensive than current
- products more expensive by
- where price difference is in range
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics. Recommend:
- products cheaper than current
- products cheaper by
- products more expensive than current
- products more expensive by
- where price difference is in range
Recommend products that other visitors that viewed current product, also viewed.
Recommend products that other visitors that viewed current product, also viewed.
Recommend products that other visitors that viewed current product, bought from product’s current category or associated interest..
Recommend the most Viewed product from product’s current category or associated interest.
Recommend the most Purchased product from product’s current category or associated interest or all viewed categories during the session. Recommend:
- products cheaper than current
- products cheaper by
- products more expensive than current
- products more expensive by
- where price difference is in range
Recommend products related to the current category or product’s associated interests. Recommend:
- products cheaper than current
- products cheaper by
- products more expensive than current
- products more expensive by
- where price difference is in range
Items that added recently or after the visitor’s last visit. Present most:
- Purchased
- Added to Cart
- Added to Favorites
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to Catalog
- High Rated
- High Profit
Present any products from current category or associated interests.
Items that were discounted recently or after the visitor’s last visit. Present most:
- Purchased
- Added to Cart
- Added to Favorites
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to Catalog
- High Rated
- High Profit
Present any products from current category or associated interests.
List of products recently viewed by the user.
Product that is shown on current page, if this page reports product view.
Recommend products related to the user’s past purchases.
List of products the visitor Purchased in the past.
Increase your profit margins by recommending higher priced products but similar to currently vieweing product. Based on:
- bought together
- bought together in current category
- viewed together in current category
- best seller in current category
- most popular in current category
- bought together in current interest
- viewed together in current interest
Recommend related or complementary items based on items bought by other visitors. Based on:
- bought together
- bought together in current category
- viewed together in current category
- best seller in current category
- most popular in current category
- bought together in current interest
- viewed together in current interest
Increase your profit margins by recommending higher priced products but similar to currently vieweing product. You need to set “Upsale category” in the products catalog to “Category” of another product. Present the most viewed or purchased products by profit margin.
Recommend related or complementary items based on items bought by other visitors. Prefect most recommended, most user or transactions for products.
Related or complementary items according to what is set in products catalog. You need to set “Cross-Sale category” in the catalog to “Category” of another product. Present most:
- Purchased
- Added to cart
- Added to favorites
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to catalog
- High rated
- High profit
Related or complementary items according to what is set in products catalog. You need to set “Cross-Sale category” in the catalog to “Category” of another product. Present most:
- Purchased
- Added to cart
- Added to favorites
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to catalog
- High rated
- High profit
Cart Recommendations
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics.
Recommend the most Purchased product from categories of tiems in cart.
Recommend relatedd or complementary items based on items bought by other visitors. Prefer most recommended, users or transactions.
Recommend related or complementary items based on items bought by other visitors. Based on:
- bought together
- bought together in same category
- viewed together in same category
- bought together with same interests
- viewed together with same inerests
- bought together in current category
- viewed together in current category
- what bought if viewed in current cateogry
Related or complementary items according to what is set in products catalog. You need to set “Cross-Sale category” in the catalog to “Category” of another product. Present most:
- Purchased
- Added to cart
- Added to favorites
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to catalog
- High rated
- High profit
List of products recently viewed by the user.
List of products the visitor purchased in the past.
Products from E-Marketer visitor’s wishlist,
Thank you Page Recommendations
Items bought by visitors who boughts the last item bought by the current visitor.
Items bought by visitors who boughts one or more of the items bought by the visitor. Prefer most recommended, users or most transactions.
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics.
Related or complementary items according to what is set in products catalog. You need to set “Cross-Sale category” in the catalog to “Category” of another product. Present most :
- Purchased
- Added to cart
- Added to favorite
- Viewed
- Cheap
- Recently added to catalog
- High rated
- High profit
Increase your profit margins by recommending higher priced products but similar to bought products. You need to set “Upsale category” in the products catalog to “Category” of another product. Present the most purchased or viewed products.
List of products recently viewed by the user.
List of products the visitor Purchased in the past.
Products from E-Marketer visitor’s wishlist.
Search Page Recommendations
Recommend the most Viewed product.
- from last product’s category
- from all viewed categories
- from last product’s associated interests
- from visitor’s interests
Recommend the most Purchased product. Selected:
- from last product’s category
- from all viewed categories
- from last product’s associated interests
- from visitor’s interests
Products that the visitor is likely to buy or view, based on behavior of other visitors with similar demographics.